Artwork Specifications

We can only accept artwork in the following formats: PDF (preferred) or JPG (high resolution)

Please see below a guide with the most common sizes:

Item Size Bleed
Business Card Landscape 85mm(w)x55mm(h) 3mm
Business Card Portrait 55mm(w)x85mm(h) 3mm
1/3 A4 Format Landscape 210mm(w)x99mm(h) 3mm
1/3 A4 Format Portrait 99mm(w)x210mm(h) 3mm
A4 Format 3 Panel 297mm(w)x210mm(h) 5mm
A4 Format Landscape 297mm(w)x210mm(h) 5mm
A4 Format Portrait 210mm(w)x297mm(h) 5mm
A6 Format Landscape 148.5mm(w)x105mm(h) 5mm
A5 Format Landscape 210mm(w)x148.5mm(h) 5mm
A5 Format Portrait 148.5mm(w)x210mm(h) 5mm
A3 Format Portrait 297mm(w)x420mm(h) 5mm
A2 Format Portrait 420mm(w)x594mm(h) 5mm
A1 Format Portrait 594mm(w)x841mm(h) 5mm
A0 Format Portrait 841mm(w)x1189mm(h) 5mm

Please note bleed only applies when artwork prints to the edge of the printed item. For more details on Bleed and Trim Sizes Click here

Technical Specifications

Print Artwork Specifications

  • Images included in your artwork must be 300dpi to ensure quality reproduction.
  • All fonts must be embedded in the PDF when using this format.
  • Any transparency must be flattened CMYK only colour – do not include spot/special colours or RGB 3mm bleed and crop marks (in Registration) are required on full-page artwork, or artwork that extend to the trim area of the magazine (such as Third Page – Horizontal and Third Page – Vertical ad sizes)
  • Keep important information at least 4mm away from the trim edge. This applies to any artwork that extends to the trim edge of the magazine, such as Full page, Third Page – Horizontal and Third Page – Vertical ad sizes. Minimum stroke widths should not fall below 0.25pt
  • Total ink coverage must not exceed 310%. High coverages may cause set-off due to ink saturation
  • In the instance where multiple page files (brochures, etc) are to be supplied, these must be supplied as separate pages and not spreads, making clear the order in which they should appear.


JPG files must be supplied at 300dpi resolution

PDF Settings

In order to maintain quality and reliability of files, we require PDFs to conform to the PDF/X-1a settings (with high-res transparency flattening). We recommend you use the latest industry-standard production settings when producing your PDF artwork.

Incorrect Artwork

If the artwork is not supplied correctly, a member of our team will contact you with instructions on how to send us a corrected file. We apologise but we will not be able to make any correction on your artwork.